Project Description

When most people think of bathrooms, they think of porcelain, tile, and shiny surfaces. However, there is a growing trend of using natural materials like stone and wood in bathroom design. Stone and wood can add a warm, earthy feel to a bathroom and are surprisingly versatile materials. They can be used for everything from the flooring to the walls to the countertops. If you’re considering using natural materials in your next bathroom renovation, here are some pros and cons to consider.

bathroom renovation


Every day, we take countless showers and baths. It’s an everyday ritual that is both mundane and necessary to our health. But what about the plumbing in your bathroom? Is it up to date? Here at Stone & Wood Plumbing, we want you to know that if your pipes are old or outdated, they may be leaking water- which wastes energy and money. Upgrading your plumbing system with us will not only help save on water usage but also give you peace of mind knowing that the installation has been done correctly by certified professionals! Call today for a free consultation! +971504758203